Why you need custom fit orthotics for your ski boots!

Nov 2, 2022

Why you need custom fit orthotics for your ski boots!

When we look at ski boots, they are rigid, and they restrict how much your foot can move in multiple directions. That is their job! They help to keep your feet warm and comfortable and help you control the skis.

Your ski boots also may have mouldable liners which improve the overall fit but do not improve your contact underfoot, and do not improve the support for your feet.

One of the common things we see with skiers is pain on the sole of the foot. This pain can be due to the lack of support the boot provides for your feet. Your foot can flatten in the boot, and with that there is 3-4 times your body weight going through your foot in the arc of a turn. Remember that in this overpronated position, your feet lose the ability to transfer power. When you lose power, you lose control. You lose control and you increase your chance of a fall and injury.

Therefore, if you have decreased support, then you have decreased control of the skis. The foot muscles then have to work so much harder and you can feel unstable. This overactivity leads to pain and discomfort and an unpleasant day skiing. Who wants to have an unpleasant day skiing??? Certainly not me!

A custom fit insert does not alter the performance of a ski boot, but should enhance it. It is there to provide comfort and support, enabling you to carve turns and minimize buckle pressure. They may even keep your feet warmer.

Here are my Top tips as to why you need custom fit ski boot insoles

  1. You will have an overall better skiing experience. You will be able to ‘feel’ with your feet, turn and ski better than before. You will have a lot more control over your skis, thus decreasing that risk of becoming injured or falling. You should be able to ski straighter, and your feet will be less tired and painful, and a much more effortless skiing day.
  2. Custom fit insoles will give you more comfort. With that comfort you will also have more control of your skis. The control comes from a deep heel cup that holds your heel securely. The insole provides strong support too, which stands up to the forces and pressure exerted when skiing.
  3. Custom fit insoles will help provide warmth in your boots. When your feet are warm, they are receiving a good level of blood supply. It’s our blood that helps keep us warm.

So there you have it. My insight into orthotics for ski boots. If you want to find out if orthotics are the right thing for your ski boots, then feel free to contact us here at 028 92666959 or email

Find out more about custom fit orthotics HERE.

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