How is that knee pain?

How is that knee pain? If you are suffering with ANY kind of knee stiffness, pain, aching or swelling, you will already know that is “life limiting”. It may already be holding you back from things that you love doing! And if you didn’t have knee pain, here are some of...

Men Don’t Do Pilates!

Men Don’t Do Pilates! Lies, Lies, Lies! FACT Of course men do Pilates. The person who invented Pilates was a man! Pilates has all the same benefits for women as it has for men – see here . In fact, in my experience, I have taught Pilates to a youthful group of teenage...

Headaches – Find out what is happening?

Why do some people suffer from regular headaches? Headaches are a pain. We can all get them now and again, but for some of us, they’re more of a regular occurrence than others… I have to admit that sometimes I am shocked at just how many people we see at the clinic...

Avoid stiff neck creeping up on you

Avoid A Stiff Neck From Creeping Up On You Let me tell you about one of the most common things that people aged 50+ who come to see me experience…In fact a patient came to see me last week with this problem. The sudden onset of shoulder and neck tension. It often...

Shoulder Pain? Where did that come from?

Why do I have Shoulder Pain all of a sudden? This is one of the most common questions I get asked when I see patients: “Why did my shoulder pain start without me even doing anything to set it off?” Normally, there tends to be some sort of injury occurrence that sets...

Not sure about Pilates?

I’m not sure if I’m doing it right Starting Pilates can be a daunting thing. One of the things that we get told frequently is ‘I’m not sure if I’m doing it right’. Another thing we hear is about Pilates being for men? Addressing the ‘men’ issue, it’s...