Tips For Exercising When You Have Pain

Tips For Exercising When You Have Pain One of the most challenging aspects of living with an injury or chronic pain is how it can quickly impact your exercise routine. If you have been working towards a fitness or weight goal, this can be extremely demoralizing. Here...

Find Out About Spinal Stenosis

Spinal Stenosis You may have heard of term Spinal Stenosis, or maybe even diagnosed with the condition. However, did you really understand what it is and what can be done to help? Read on to find out more. What is spinal stenosis? The spinal cord, nerves and arteries...

Wrist Sprains

What is a wrist sprain? What is a wrist sprain? Wrist sprains are a general term used to describe any injury to the wrist that doesn’t include a fracture. While this can indicate that they are not serious injuries, wrist sprains can be complicated injuries that...

How to Make The Most Of Your Physiotherapy Treatment

How to Make The Most Of Your Physiotherapy Treatment Physiotherapy treatment can be life changing, helping you recover from traumatic injuries, chronic pain and get you on the road to your best performance levels. Here are a few tips to make sure you get the most out...


Adductor Tendinopathy What is it? The adductor muscles are a group of five muscles located on the inside of the thigh that act to move the hip inwards or control hip movements outwards. These muscles also provide stability to the pelvis while standing, walking and...